NEW CLIENT INFORMATION Thank you for booking with Hawthorn Travel. Please provide the following information. Personal * Full name: Mobile: Email: Address: State: Post Code: Frequent Flyer Airline 1: Number: Airline 2: Number: Airline 3: Number: Emergency Contact - This person should not travel with you regularly Full name: Mobile: Email: Relationship: Additional Considerations Class: FirstBusinessEconomy Seating: WindowMiddleAisle Dietary: NoneGluten-FreeVegetarianOther: REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS – Please send the below attachments when returning your form Photo Page of Passport/s ❌ ❌ *Airline and immigration security regulations demand that travellers' Christian names and surnames appear in flight bookings and on tickets exactly as they do in their passports. With this in mind, we require a copy of your passport by email or photocopy. If your name appears incorrectly, your booking may need to be rebooked (subject to availability) and your ticket will require reissue at an additional cost.